
PitaPata Dog tickers

Friday, 10 August 2012

An Afternoon Out

Yesterday we went to Eleanor's house and Skye really enjoyed seeing Rosie again and having a good run around the field and garden. Rosie and Skye are best friends and they played together for the whole time we were out.  They found some toys and they both wanted the same one! So Skye would get the toy and Rosie would chase her for it then they would tug it and Rosie got it and Skye chased her, and so it went on! The weather was quite hot but Skye didn't seem to mind, Amber preferred staying in the shade though. A fun afternoon was had by everyone!

This morning Skye went to the Vets again, as she was being sedated to have her ear examined, which meant no breakfast this morning. Daddy dropped Skye off on his way to work and we collected her after lunch. She was grand but starving! I had spoilt Amber by making her Fritatta for her lunch! Skye got a taster when she came home. I got a new dog recipe book "Dinner for dogs" which has inspired me to start making things for the dogs! I make them treats lots which I use for training. Also Amber has a home cooked meal once a week.

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