
PitaPata Dog tickers

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Grooming and Handling

It's important Skye gets used to being groomed, as when she is an adult she will have a long, feathery coat which will require regular brushing. If Skye is used to being groomed, then it will be a much easier job. So a couple of times a week I brush her coat, she stands nice and still and isn't too bothered as it is something she is used to, and it's just part of our routine that we've always done.

Grooming Skye

As well as grooming her, I get her used to being handled and being checked over which is also good practise for if she needs to visit the vet. This means I look at her teeth, ears, eyes, and paws. Then she lays down beside me and I touch each of her legs etc. so that she doesn't become hypersensitive anywhere. This means she won't over react if a child happens to touch somewhere she is over sensitive to such as ears or tail etc.

Looking in her ears

I clean Skye's teeth with a toothbrush and special doggy toothpaste (it has meat flavouring so that dogs like it). Skye doesn't mind me cleaning her teeth and again it's something I've done since she was small so she is used to it. By my putting my hand in her mouth it also means she learns to have a soft mouth.

I enjoy grooming Skye and it is much quicker than with Amber. Mammy has a special dog slicker attachment for the vacuum cleaner for her as Amber's coat is so thick. The only problem then is she follows Mammy around and barks when she's vacuuming as Amber wants her turn! Grooming is a good bonding time and also I've read that it helps maintain pack order as grooming would have been done by pack leader.

Skye's such a good girl

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