Skye has had a busy weekend! We had lots of visitors and it was pretty manic!! On Sunday it was my Confirmation and my sister Caitlin's Communion. In the morning Skye and Amber went to Eleanor's house, then they came back after lunch. Eleanor had a dog with her called Zoe too and she came back to our house for a while and Skye played with her. Skye was great and coped really well with the crowds and noise! She was very well behaved too, and didn't try to steal any food, despite the fact that there was tempting food out everywhere. Amber can be scared of balloons but Skye wasn't nervous at all and didn't seem to be too bothered when one of them popped.

Today we went to our neighbours house for coffee so Skye stayed with Margaret who comes to help with the housework. Luckily Skye behaved herself. It was good for her to get used to being at home without us there. Sometimes we leave Skye home alone, occasionally with Amber, sometimes just by herself. We tend to leave her no more than one hour and when we come back she's always fast asleep in the crate, laid on her tummy with her paws in the air. She doesn't wake up when we drive in, only when we turn the key in the door! I think that means she's relaxed which is good.
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