
PitaPata Dog tickers

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Clonmel Volunteer Recruitment Day

Yesterday we went to the Volunteer Recruitment day at Clonmel Park Hotel. Skye came and Amber did too. Charlie, a fully trained working dog was also there. All three dogs behaved very well and got to meet lots of different people. It was an especially good socialisation opportunity for Skye and she got to see how well mannered Charlie is.  Quite a few people came to enquire about either helping AADI or fostering puppies which was really good. It was really nice to be able to talk to lots of different people about the dogs and AADI.
Me and Skye

All three dogs behaving well while visitors came to enquire about volunteering for AADI

It was Amber's first outing as an Ambassador for AADI and she definately rose to the occasion and loved all the attention!
My sister Orla giving Skye a cuddle


My sister Orla and Brother Eoin with Charlie

Eoin with Charlie. Charlie is now a working Autism Assistance Dog and is unbelievably calm and well behaved. All my brothers and sisters love him and think it's great when we meet up with him at events.

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