
PitaPata Dog tickers

Monday, 25 June 2012

Skye Goes to Westlife's Last Ever Concert!

On Saturday night we took Skye to the cinema for the first time. We went to see Westlife's Farewell Concert live by satellite at the cinema. I took Skye's blanket along for her to lay on, a few toys and a stuffed kong. She had her kong at the beginning, but didn't seem at all bothered by the loud music.( Just shows how noisy our house must be!) Once the kong was finished she tried to eat the popcorn that had dropped on the floor. I tried to discourage her doing this and she laid down. The lady in front kept putting her drink down on the floor but fortunately Skye never tried to drink it! I took her out in the middle for a quick walk about, and then once we came back she settled down really well and fell fast asleep for the rest of the concert. She wasn't a problem at all then, though her lead did get tangled when she laid under my chair! Afterwards a few people came over to meet Skye and she loved all the fuss!

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